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CV of the PI: Sergi Valverde

Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF)
Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta 37-49
E-08003 Barcelona

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Selected Publications

Vidiella, B., Carrignon, S., Bentley, R. A., O'Brien, M. J., Valverde, S. (2022) A cultural evolutionary theory that explains both gradual and punctuated change. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 20220570. Article. See also this Twitter thread

Duran-Nebreda, S., O'Brien, M. J., Bentley, R. A., Valverde, S. (2022) Dilution of expertise in the rise and fall of collective innovation. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 365. Article. See also this Twitter thread

Valverde, S., Vidiella, B., Montañez, R., Fraile, A., Sacristán, S., García-Arenal, F. (2020) Coexistence of nestedness and modularity in host–pathogen infection networks. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4 568–577 Link . See also: "Infections come in threes: viral infections of plants cannot be isolated from their environment" Link .

Valverde, S. (2016) Major Transitions in Information Technology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371: 20150450. Link .

Valverde, S. and Sole, R. V (2015) Punctuated Equilibrium in the Large-Scale Evolution of Programming Languages. Journal of the Royal Society Interface12: 20150249. Link .

Valverde, S., Ohse, S., Turalska, M., West, B. J., and Garcia-Ojalvo, J. (2015) Structural Determinants of Criticality in Biological Networks. Front. Physiol. 6: 127 Link.